Fe'm gwnaeth yn ddoeth wel'd fy hun yn ddall

(Crist Doethineb y Saint)
Fe'm gwnaeth yn ddoeth
    wel'd fy hun yn ddall
  Yn fabi'r fall wenwynig;
Ac wedi rhoddi f'hun o'm bodd
  I gyflwr o'dd ddamnedig.

Yn ddoeth i 'nabod Iesu Grist,
  Yn ffrynd i drist eneidiau;
Ac iddo roddi waed yn llif,
  Tros fy aneirif feiau.

Ces wel'd mai fe yw'm Brenin bra
  Fy Mhrophwyd a'm Offeiriad;
Fy Nerth a Nrhysor mawr
    a Nhwr,
  F'Eiriolwr a fy Ngheidwad.

Fy Nghyfaill byth
    a'm ffyddlon Frawd,
  Mae f'enaid tlawd yn garu;
Sy'n nofio yn awr
    o ganol ne'
  Y man mae e'n teyrnasu.

Dysgodd fi deithio'r llwyfr bra,
  Sy'n myn'd tua thrag'wyddoldeb;
Tros fryniau mawr ac anial dir
  Ond dyna wir ddoethineb.

Fel niwl a thân bob nos a dydd,
  Fy arwain bydd ei hunan;
Trwy'r anialwch mawr
    dwg fi'n ei gol,
  Mewn i'r ddymunol Ganaan.

Fe'm dysg, fe'm cyfarwydda trwy,
  Bob rhwystrau wi'n gyfarod;
Rhag cyfeiliorni yma a thraw,
  'Chai fyn'd o law fy Mhriod.

Fe'm gwna mor ddoeth
    nes drysu'r fall,
  Yn ei chyfrwysgall dichell;
Dadrys eu rhwydau o bob rhyw,
  Can's Iesu yw fy nghyfaill.

Eneinia fi etto wel'd yn glir,
  Rho im' fôr o wir ddoethineb;
I'm gywir deithio'r llwybr bra',
  Sy'n mynd i drag'wyddoldeb.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MS 8787]: Irish (<1811)

Crist yn Gyfiawnder
Euogrwydd pechod oedd yn bwn
Crist yn Sancteiddrwydd
Pa ham y digalonnai mwy
Crist yn Brynedigaeth
O Iesu fy Ngwaredwr llawn

  Efe yw'm Brenin mawr dinam

(Christ the Wisdom of the Saints)

He made my wise
    to see myself as blind
  As a son to the poisonous devil;
And having put myself willingly
  Into a condition that was condemned.

Wise to know Jesus Christ,
  As friend to sad souls;
And that he gave blood as a stream,
  For my innumerable faults.

I got to see that he is my good King
  My Prophet and my Priest;
My Strength and my great Treasure
    and my Tower,
  My Advocate and my Saviour.

My Companion forever
    and my faithful Brother,
  My poor soul is loving;
Who is flying now
    from the middle of heaven
  The place where he is reigning.

He taught me to travel the good path,
  That goes towards eternity;
Over great hills and a desert land
  But there is true wisdom.

Like fog and fire every night and day,
  Leading me he himself shall be;
Through the great wilderness
    he will bring me to his bosom,
  Into to desired Canaan.

He teaches me, he trains me through
  All the obstructions I meet;
Lest I wander here and there,
  I may not leave the hand of my Spouse.

He makes me so wise
    that the devil is confounded,
  In his crafty deception;
Their nets of every kind shall undo,
  Since Jesus is my companion.

Anoint me again to see clearly,
  Give me a sea of true wisdom;
For me truly to travel the good path,
  That goes to eternity.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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